Radiology & Imaging Conference Success Stories



Provider Testimonials

Supplier Testimonials

“I've had the privilege of attending a lot of conferences, at a lot of different venues, and from the ones that I have attended throughout my career, HCP is far and above the best conference I ever attend. They're very well-organized. They have everything ready to go for you, and just the value of being able to interact without interruptions with a variety of vendors. Sometimes it's things that you don't even know that you need or want or are looking for.”

Nancy Godby, Director of Radiology
Cabell Huntington Hospital


“Wonderful experience all the way through! Very motivating....I needed it! I loved “speed dating” with the vendors. It was a pleasure to give them 5 minutes of my undivided attention that we wouldn't have in my office setting. Great process!”

E. Dianne Cueto, Director, Diagnostic Imaging, Respiratory Therapy
HCA Florida South Tampa Hospital



“The HCP conference exceeded my expectations. It would have taken me several months to meet with as many key decision makers as I met in less than 48 hours. While many were not ready to make a decision on the spot, it allowed me the opportunity to learn about their upcoming needs so we are better positioned to assist them. I’m already looking forward to the next conference!”

Frank Heinz, President
H&H Design-Build

“These conferences strike a perfect balance between education, networking and entertainment. Most importantly, I am introduced to the key players who decide if an organization buys my product. This is the best sales and marketing tool my company utilizes and it is a perfect investment of my time.”

Janet Skinner, President
Skinner and Associates Executive Search


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